For Windows:
Once you’ve downloaded an item from the Johren store, you’ll find the game file in your downloads folder. It contains everything you need to play - but first, you’ll need to ‘unzip’ the file.
If you don’t have an unzip program already installed on your computer, we recommend the free, open-source program 7-Zip.
Once you’ve installed 7-Zip or an equivalent file archiving program, return to the game file in your downloads folder and double-click it. Then, select “Extract”. You’ll be asked to select the destination you’d like your game files to be extracted to.
After the files have been extracted, you’ll see the game folder in the destination you chose. Double-click this folder, then look for “GameName.exe”, where GameName is the name of the game you purchased. Double-click to launch the title!
For Mac:
Once you’ve downloaded an item from the Johren store, you’ll find the game file in your downloads folder. It contains everything you need to play - but first, you’ll need to ‘unzip’ the file.
If you don’t have an unzip program already installed on your computer, we recommend the free, program RAR Extractor Free.
Once you’ve installed RAR Extractor Free or an equivalent file archiving program, return to the game file in your downloads folder and double-click it. Then, select “Extract”. You’ll be asked to select the destination you’d like your game files to be extracted to.
After the files have been extracted, you’ll see the game folder in the destination you chose. Double-click this folder, then look for “GameName.py”, where GameName is the name of the game you purchased. Double-click to launch the title!
若您的電腦並未安裝解壓縮軟體,推薦您安裝RAR Extractor Free此一軟體。
當安裝好RAR Extractor Free或類似的檔案壓縮/解壓縮軟體後,請雙擊下載資料夾內的遊戲檔案。接著點選「解壓縮」,解壓縮軟體將會詢問您打算將遊戲檔案解壓縮到哪個資料夾。
檔案解壓縮完畢後,您所選擇的解壓縮目標資料夾中將會出現遊戲資料夾,請雙擊此資料夾並找到「GameName.py」(GameName 為您所購買的遊戲的名稱),雙擊該檔案後遊戲將會啟動。