Johren Launcher is a secure software that we have confirmed is not infected with any viruses.
There is a possibility that your security software has detected a false positive. Please check the settings of your security software and set an exception for the Johren Launcher.
If you must specify the executable file of the Johren Launcher for the exception setting, please specify "Johren Launcher.exe".
For more information on how to operate your security software, please refer to its manual or contact the support desk of your security software vendor.
Johren Launcher不含有病毒,是一款安全的軟體。
以上情況可能由於防毒軟體誤報,請您確認防毒軟體的設定,並把Johren Launcher加入安全名單。
加入安全名單時請指定程式“Johren Launcher.exe”。