Check the individual game's page to discover which operating systems are supported.
*Johren is unable to provide customer support for Windows 7 and older, which are no longer supported by Microsoft. This includes Windows XP and Vista. Titles will still be available to play/purchase on these OSes, but once again, we are unable to provide customer support for them.
Please keep this in mind when purchasing a title for Windows 7 or older, as well as when using Windows 7 or older.
*Microsoft目前已不支援的Windows 7(含Windows XP/Vista)與其以下的作業系統並不在Johren的客服諮詢範圍內。即使有遊戲內標明可支援Windows 7以下的作業系統,Johren的客服諮詢也無法為其提供服務。
還請在購買有支援作業系統為Windows 7或其以下的商品、又或者是在利用作業系統為Windows 7及其以下的裝置時多加留意。