
The Download Game fails to download.(單機遊戲下載失敗。)

If you download a game file while your network is unstable, the download may fail midway due to a network error.

Please reboot your router, Wi-Fi, or other internet device and reboot your PC.

If the problem persists, please try the following:

1. In My Games, click on the [...] button for the corresponding game.
2. Click on the [Uninstall] button in the pop-up window.
3. After the game is uninstalled, download it again.
*If you have not yet downloaded the game, please try uninstalling and reinstalling the Johren Launcher.
For more information on how to uninstall the download game, please refer to the following page:
How do I uninstall a Download Game?

For information on how to uninstall the Johren Launcher, please refer to the following page:
How do I uninstall the Johren Launcher?




1. 在我的遊戲中,點擊遊戲標題的 […]。
2. 在跳出的彈窗中點擊 [卸載]。
3. 卸載遊戲後重新下載。
*遊戲無法下載時,請卸載重裝Johren Launcher後再次嘗試。


關於Johren Launcher的卸載方法請參考以下頁面。
如何卸載Johren Launcher?